Работа завершена
английский |
Номер | #2197 |
Тип | Контрольная работа |
Бюджет | Не указан |
Категория | Английский язык |
Уникальность | Не указана |
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VARIANT 3 MARKETING INNOVATION Chief executives and senior management of American companies are greatly concerned about innovativeness of their marketing organizations. The lack of innovativeness can cripple an organization since the pace of change is quickening in every aspect of business. Industries, products, customers, competitors and distribution channels are changing, and the companies that do not or cannot innovatevely adapt or react to change will pay a heavy price for keeping the blinders on. As companies grow they seek operating efficiency in order to drive costs lower and gain market share. The emphasis on innovation in marketing, so dominant when the business was developing its new products often shifts to focus on innovation in manufacturing processes. Companies invest in special purpose machinery to produce new products in repetitive predictable ways. Innovation is often a messy wasteful process that flourishes in an organizational climate of experimentation, trial, error, false starts and high information exchange. It requires ample available resources to thrive. Bureaucracy and “bigness” can often freeze out innovation as employees become wedded to certain ideas, products, technologies. New markets, new products or new ideas that do not have a statistically-based projection to substantiate them don’t get management support in such, organizations. To encourage innovation in marketing organizations need to accept and deal with uncertainty. Marketers who wish to stress innovativeness and adaptation to change need to stop trying to always predict the unpredictable. Many successful business have been created despite a lack of hard data to document a demand for their product service. Marketers must also learn not to rest on past successes . Today’s popular product may be tomorrow’s trivia question. To play “ the new market game”, however, is more analogous to playing soccer — the field is wide open, and there |
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Прошу рассмотреть мою кандидатуру как автора для выполнения Вашей работы. На данный момент в своем активе я имею более чем 5-летний опыт написания работ, также имеется профессиональный опыт переводчика-референта.
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