Работа завершена
Деловое письмо |
Номер | #82683 |
Тип | Другое |
Бюджет | Не указан |
Категория | Английский язык |
Уникальность | Не указана |
Детали |
Из списка предлагаемых профессионально ориентированных ситуаций выбрать интересующую и самостоятельно составить по ней деловое письмо на английском языке с учетом всех особенностей написания подобного письма. 1. You have recently attended a friend’s party thatwas well catered. For the annual staff party, you would like to hire that same caterer. Write to ask if the company caters for parties of 150 or more people and if the caterer can arrange for the specific food, decorations, and music that you would like for the party. Don’t forget to let the caterer know when the party is and how to contact you. 2. You have just received your first cell phone bill. You notice that there is an extra $200.00 dollar charge. You call to have the problem fixed and the representative says you’ll need to put it in writing. Write a courteous letter to the cell phone company explaining that there is an unnecessary $200.00 charge on your phone bill. 3. You have just bought a product (a new tablet computer) that was overcharged $30. Try to request a refund or credit to your account. Write a letter explaining all your problems and asking for a refund or a credit to your account. |
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